How to Change Billing Cycle for an Application

A billing cycle is an interval between bills for products and services. Our billing cycle typically comes in Monthly, Semi-Annually, Annually and Biennially. The longer the billing cycle, the lower the monthly rate, and the lower the frequency to make a payment. However, the total amount of a payment with the longer billing cycle will be higher. Clients can adjust the billing cycles to meet their economic needs. Follow the steps below to adjust your billing cycle.

1. Locate the deployment

Please log in to the Control Panel at with your credentials. Go to the "My Applications" page and locate your target deployment from all deployments listed.

2. Change billing cycle

The billing cycle for an applcation can be changed on the "My Applications" page and the "Overview" page.

Make changes on the "My Applications" page

Locate the application you'd like to make changes for, followed by clicking the pen icon at the end of billing cycle to make changes.

Then, select the billing cycle you'd like to change to in the pop up window and click confirm.

Make changes on the "Overview" page

Click the "Manage" button on the "My Applications" page to go to the "Overview" page.

Scroll to the "Overview" section, you can see the "Billing Cycle" field on the left. Click the pen icon at the end to make changes.

Then, select the billing cycle you'd like to change to in the pop up window and click confirm.

That's it. Your billing cycle has been updated.

If there is an unpaid invoice before the change, the changed billing cycle will be reflected on the invoice right after the change succeeds.

If there is no unpaid invoice before the change, the changed billing cycle will be reflected on the newly-generated invoice. In order to generate an invoice, you can go to the My Applications or the Overview page and click the Renew button.

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